Sunday, August 21, 2011

First Blog Post

So I have been contemplating starting a blog for years... for about 6 years to be exact. I never did before because I didn't want to have to be censored and watch what I said. There were things I really wanted to get off my chest that was OK for some to see, but not all to see. But lets face it, anytime you're out in public you have to be censored to some extent. So I have decided to give blogging a shot.

I'm not sure where it will go, how often I will post, or if I will even keep up with it, but I'm curious what comes of it. There are a few directions that I think this blog will go, and a few topics that I know will get discussed frequently: food, cooking, wine, baking, my husband, my pets, my home, and my friends and family. I'm going to predict that this will become a "blog of my home life" of sorts... but we shall see. I'm not going to have any plans and am just going to write and see where it goes.

Welcome to my blog!

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